Class of 1940

Stanley Barwiolek
Evelyn Jenkins
Stanley Kotecki
Donald Mowl
Carmen Phillips

Daisy Ross
Emma Stauffer
Thelma Seik
Betty Wilson

Class of 1941

Stanley Kotecki
Gladys Ncllree
Harry Otterman
Carmen Phillips

Thelma Seik
Sarah Stiffler
George Warden
Clarence Young

Class of 1942

Alice Bain
Ruth St. Clair
Joseph Contestible
Blanche Cowan
Irene Jesse

Wayne McHaffie
Robert Scharschu
Marion Traugh
Florence Wagel
Gene Yont

Class of 1943

George Babinetz
James Cline
Frances Giusto

Shirley Gordon
Herman Leon
Bertha Krulick
Evelyn Sackett

Class of 1944

Betty Nonamaker

Rita Wilson

Class of 1945

Dale Alexander
Patrick Capretto
Stella DeMarco
Paul McAnlis

Conrad Stedrak
Angelica Zanin

Class of 1946

Dale Alexander
Genevieve Bartholomew
William Empfield
Durbin Green
John Jablunsky

Lawrence McClelland
James Michael
Doris Otterman
George Petrick

Class of 1947

Joseph Ellis
Gail Gault
Joseph Hezlep
Robert Krulick
Nick Mainos

Meyer Mervis
George Patterson
Jay Shrock
Anna Stoyko

Class of 1948

Mary Alexander
June Carnahan
Anthony Conti
Wesley Dickson
Harold Fye
Rachel Golden
Charles Gordon
Robert Javens
Calvin John
Barbara Kennedy
Audrian Kulkleski
Frances Lamphier

Harvey McCall
James McDanel
Shirley Meyers
Betty Mowl
Marian Peoples
Thomas Salopek
Genevieve Scovern
Grace Simmons
Calra Taylor
Josephine Urbanovich
Patricia Winslow

Class of 1949

Arthur Allen
Theodore Altheide
Ralph Anderson
James Bolimos
Andrew Filowiat
Robert Kramer
Jean Letunik
Richard Mackey
John Martin
Arthur Nelson
Mitchell Payne

Sarah Penn
James Prinzler
Richard Randolph
Rudolph Rebish
Marion Reed
June Rowe
Virgina Savage
Ned Schultz
Joseph Valent
Marilyn Watson

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